Category Archives: News

SBBCollege Vocational Nursing Program Among Top Five in State!

The SBBCollege Santa Maria Vocational Nursing program was ranked 5th out of 129 vocational nursing programs – making it one of the top nursing programs in California!

Analyzed by Top Nursing, an online handbook of schools nationwide, SBBCollege Santa Maria was ranked 5th due to its access to cutting-edge technology, accomplished faculty, and financial aid., provides a professional guide to assist potential individuals interested in pursuing a career in nursing. They rank schools based on the following criteria: a high pass rate of alumni in the National Council Licensure Examination; financial aid options the school provides, and the number of students.

SBBCollege is so honored and proud of our students and faculty for this recognition. Jose Huitron, Campus Director of SBBCollege Santa Maria, said “this is a great honor given to our Vocational Nursing program. Our faculty and staff work hard to provide a strong program for our students seeking nursing careers. We’re thrilled their efforts have been recognized.”

SBBCollege Santa Maria Nursing

The SBBCollege Vocational Nursing program helps provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary for an entry-level vocational nursing positions in multiple healthcare related settings.

Students in the SBBCollege Vocational Nursing Program  receive hands-on training: understanding the skills required for patient care and safety; such as hygiene, feeding, transfer techniques, medication administration, oxygen administration, Foley catheter insertion and care, tracheostomy care, and wound care.

SBBCollege Medical Assistant

In addition to healthcare programs, we offer online degree programs at the associate’s and bachelor’s levels, job-training programs, and an MBA program. But we don’t stop there. SBBCollege provides job-placement assistance to each graduate and financial aid is available to those who qualify.

SBBCollege Donates Amazon Kindles to Bakersfield HS Band

BAKERSFIELD, CA – On Thursday, October 12th at 3:00 pm, SBBCollege Bakersfield will donate 100 Amazon Kindle Fire tablets to the Marching Band Program at Bakersfield High School in an effort to support technology in education and increase the learning potential of local students. The presentation will be held at the High School’s Science Field where the band practices.

The Kindles will enable students to learn marching drills and read sheet music from the ease and convenience of the portable tablet. Members of the Driller Band have previously used hundreds of printed pages for drill instruction, as well as entire books of sheet music, in preparation for a performance.

“Having all of their reference material with them during an entire rehearsal, instead of running to the sidelines to check their pages, would greatly improve the learning potential of our students,” explains Randy Bennett, Instrumental Music Director at Bakersfield High School. “This is an amazing opportunity for the program to take the leap into the 21st century with the support of SBBCollege. The number of possibilities are endless.”

The donation, estimated at a $10,000 value, is part of SBBCollege’s multi-year technology initiative designed to transform the way students learn from and use technology.

SBBCollege’s own students have received tablets and/or laptops to increase their technological skill set and help them meet the technology demands of employers. Additionally, SBBCollege’s sister university, California Aeronautical University, provides student pilots with iPads and the latest aviation education software applications to maximize training and career development potential.

“Our vision has been to revolutionize the way we teach classes by infusing lessons with interactive exercises and increasing student engagement through the use of technology,” said Wynn Blanton, SBBCollege Campus Director. “We are excited to extend our initiative into local high schools and help the Drillers boost their performance on the field.”


SBBCollege News Roundup

There are always lots of fun activities and initiatives happening across our different campuses. We’ve been really busy over the past few months, so here is a quick roundup of some of the best things which have been going on at SBBCollege.

In Ventura, there were some scary looking characters spotted around campus for Halloween. Well done to all of those who made the effort, with some amazing costumes and pumpkin carvings on show.

Halloween At SBBCollege Ventura

On October 21st, our Health and Business Career Fair brought our students together with local employers and an opportunity to build their interviewing skills…

SBBCollege Health And Business Career Fair

At the start of October, Santa Maria held the annual Student Awards Ceremony which celebrates the many successes of our students. Here are some pictures from the event, where everyone had a great time.

SBBCollege Student Awards Night

On September 24th, Ventura students were lucky enough to get a visit from Officer Bates, who shared his experiences of the roles and responsibilities as a senior police officer with the Port Hueneme PD.

Officer Bates Visits SBBCollege Ventura

September 17th marks Constitution Day and we celebrated accordingly across our campuses. In Ventura we observed the day by relating the 200+ year old document to criminal proceedings for interested students. In Santa Barbara we hosted a fun quiz and presentation, including an engaging skit from our faculty members which went down very well with the students!

Constitution Day At SBBCollege

On September 11th, a few of our health professionals in Medical Assisting and Vocational Nursing represented SBBCollege at the Santa Maria Valley Chamber of Commerce Trade Show.

SBBCollege Medical Assisting Students At Santa Maria Trade Show

On August 25th, Sophia and Barbara from Community Health Centres of the Central Coast spoke to our Santa Maria Medical students about a career in healthcare! Big thanks to them for coming in!

SBBCollege Guest Speakers

In Santa Maria we held our Criminal Justice Careers Fair on August 11th, showing current and prospective student some of the great careers which can be enjoyed in the criminal justice field.

Criminal Justice Careers Fair SBBCollege

SBBCollege Recent News Roundup

Things are always busy around our campuses so we’d like to take the chance to roundup some of the recent events and news.

On November 3rd, some artistic students in our Vocational Nursing program at Rancho Mirage produced this for a group project.

Pneumothorax Model

On November 4thSBBCollege Rancho Mirage Students helped out at the American Heart Association Heart Walk doing stroke symptom demos, blood pressure checks and demonstrating life-saving skills with CPR.

Rancho mirage blood drive

On the 6th of November, Criminal Justice students showed their artistic skills with a team project examining teams and roles. This judge and jury sculpture was the result!

Criminal justice judge jury

On November 17th our Criminal Justice students were seen modeling their brand new Criminal Justice polos.

Criminal justice students polo -shirts

On November 19th “Mama Salazar” started her first day of school at SBBCollege. Her daughter was very proud of her and posted this shot.

Mama Salazar

November 26th saw staff at Rancho Mirage showing off Thanksgiving baskets that were delivered to students.

Rancho Mirage Thanksgiving Baskets

We also saw some of our International students gather for Thanksgiving.

International Students Thanksgiving

December 3rd saw us host another successful blood drive on campus in Rancho Mirage for Lifestream. This came just a couple of weeks after our Bakersfield campus held a bone marrow donor drive to gain more donors for the Be The Match Registry.

Ventura Aviation Program Featured on KEYT News

SBBCollege’s new Aviation Degree has been featured on local news station KEYT News Channel 3, with reporter Kelsey Gerckens taking control of an aircraft during a tester flight.

The new aviation program is being launched to train local students to become qualified commercial pilots. The students will undertake an accelerated Associate of Science in Aviation degree spanning two years. The inaugural class will start in October 2014 and is being delivered from their Ventura campus based at SBB College Aviation Pilot Education Center at Camarillo Airport.

SBBC has created this program in response to a recent industry forecast projecting almost half a million new commercial pilots will be required globally in the next 20 years (source). There are a number of factors involved in this shortfall, including the retirement of a generation of pilots in the U.S., and the growth of air travel markets around the world.

The program provides theory, hands on instruction and flight time which will allow students who complete the program to sit for five aviation licenses: Private pilot, instrument-rated pilot, commercial pilot — single engine, commercial pilot — multi engine, certified flight instructor.

The course has been designed to prepare students to fill roles across the aviation industry, predominantly the regional and airline major carrier industry.

Santa Barbara Business College has partnered with Channel Islands Aviation who will assist in providing flight training. Channel Islands Aviation, founded 40 years ago, provides private and professional flight training, aircraft sales and rentals.

To enter the program you must be at least 18 years old, have a high school diploma, GED, or equivalent, and be able to pass a medical certification from an FAA certified examiner. Traditional educational financing and financial aid is available to those who qualify.

Find out more about the Aviation program here.

Aviation Program Ventura

SBBCollege is accredited by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools. For information on graduation rates, median debt of graduates completing these programs and other important information, visit SBBCollege offers financial aid to those who qualify. Programs vary by campus location.

SBBCollege Attends NAFSA 2014 in San Diego

Last week staff from SBBCollege attended the largest education conference in the world. NAFSA 2014 ran from May 25-30 in San Diego at the San Diego Convention Centre.

NAFSA is the Association of International Educators – a non-profit organisation covering all aspects of international education has been organising and running both regional and national conferences bringing education establishments from around the world together for many years. A record 11,000 delegates attended the conference in San Diego attending workshops, sessions and events as well as networking with over 400 exhibitors in the expo hall.

The conference offered the opportunity for SBBCollege staff to meet with representatives from institutions and organisations from the US and overseas to discuss the international programs available at SBBCollege for students and potential partnership arrangement for future collaboration.

The SBBCollege booth was busy all week with visitors wishing to talk about our range of programs for international students, including our new Aviation program which was showcased at the conference with new marketing material to promote its launch and gained a great deal of interest.

Next year the conference moves to Boston. Hope to see you there!

Nafsa 2014 SBBCollege Stad in Expo Hall

NAFSA 2014

Crime Scene Career Workshop

Video Transcript:

How you doing? I’m Craig Lansley, campus director here for SBBCollege in Rancho Mirage. Today we have a group of about 50 high school students coming from Desert Hot Springs High School which is about 10-15 miles away. They’re going to come and work with our criminal justice professors and our criminal justice students going over some crime scenes, what to look for when they come upon a crime scene, what information they take. They’re going to work on finger printing and potentially some police photography. So we’re excited to have them. We’ve got about ten of our criminal justice students that are going to work with them. We have our staff that’s ready to greet them and see what they’re future aspirations are so we look forward to it and hope to have a good time.

Instructor Dan Campbell. Retired Sheriffs Deputy: Over here we take a glance at the high school students at the crime scene. The first one is a murder and here we see the students actually taking part in the activities that law enforcement officers would perform at a real crime scene. They’re talking over on how they want to examine this crime scene. Also here you can notice that the various pieces of evidence have already been identified with the little yellow markers and what evidence you are going to focus in on.

Instructor Dan Campbell. Crime Recreation Scene 2 -Driving under the Influence: The high school students today get very excited when they actually dig into reality and perform these activities and get a chance to perform what officers do and realize that crime scene investigation is a very, very thorough activity. This is our second crime scene, the hit and run. Here we notice that the students are examining the car and the students are looking around. It’s very important that people investigating crime scenes take into account the whole area and the proximity to the crime scene to make sure they don’t miss any evidence that might be there.

Well that wraps it up here today and our crime scene investigation involving our local high school students. If you’re interested in further information concerning the programs at SBBCollege you can lookup or contact one of our admission reps at our local campuses and they can offer further information to you on the other programs that we offer at our school. Thank you and have a good day.

Healthcare Administration Graduate Loves Helping Patients

Video Transcript:

My name is Karina. I’m graduating from the Bachelor’s Healthcare Administration program. I love getting to know people and being able to understand people and putting myself on their level. I love to treat people the way I would love to be treated, in regards to their care, in regards to having empathy for them and having that connection to somebody. I see a lot of patients that have cancer and I have that emotional connection with them. It’s something that I would never really have thought I would have with somebody. So that’s kind of what I love about it, you know, being able to put myself in their shoes and give somebody that kind of care.

Cancer Survivor Graduates as a Medical Assistant

Video Transcript:

Coming back to college at my age – it’s not an easy thing to do, you know. Fighting cancer was one thing – it’s terrifying to come back to college at almost forty. I’m Alissa Turner and I’m a graduate of Santa Barbara Business College. I got my associate of science degree and I went for the medical assisting program. I stopped working retail because I was diagnosed with cancer and while I was working I was doing treatments where I missed some work, had several surgeries and at that time, I was let go because I didn’t have any more time off. And at that time when I was off, somebody at the cancer center had told me about coming and getting my medical degree so I could start medical assisting. They told me they had gone to Santa Barbara Business College. At that time I thought I would give it a chance and come in and talk to somebody and before I knew it I was signing papers and starting to get my degree.

When I first came to Santa Barbara Business College I was scared to death. I was almost forty but everybody was so nice, so understanding. They didn’t treat me like I was any different than anybody else walking in through the doors. I was really comfortable. I don’t think I met one staff member that I didn’t get along with or didn’t help me make it through. Every class, I have an amazing feeling towards all those staff members that help students. I’ve seen it time and time again where some people feel lost. They feel like they’re not a part of something and especially in a bigger college, that I tried going to, you almost seem like you’re a number. Here everybody knew your name. Everybody knew who you were. They made sure that you were on the right track, that whatever help that you needed, they were going to get it for you and talk to the right person. That is the difference that they make and the impact that they make on every student that comes through these doors.

I work for a doctor who has a comprehensive blood and cancer center and I basically get a chance to meet all the patients that come through. I get to see them step by step through the time that they spend trying to get better and kick cancer, so it’s very emotional but it’s also very enlightening. It never lets me forget where I came from and how I started my journey. I’m a survivor – I’m a five year survivor. I want to thank the college. I want to thank the staff. I want to thank everybody that has made the opportunity for me to be able to go on and helped me realize dreams can come true and life can start over for anybody going through anything. It’s never too late. You’re never too old and there’s never an opportunity that you can’t take by just stepping through the doors somewhere and talking to somebody.

SBBCollege Ventura spreads Christmas cheer

SBB College Ventura Food Pantry

SBBCollege Ventura has helped those less fortunate this holiday season by helping out at a local food pantry, as well as providing their own students in financial need with holiday care packages.

Staff and students took time out of their schedules to distribute food to those in need at the Pantry Nuevo in Ventura. The pantry is run by Project Understanding, a non-profit organization that helps those in need and serves the Western Ventura County. The pantry provides groceries to families in the community who need help providing food to their family with their tight financial budget.

To help spread the festive goodwill even further, the Campus also helped sort donated clothes that would be delivered to a local children’s shelter.

Matthew Johnston, SBBCollege President, comments: ‘The holidays are a very difficult time for some people and our students and staff were happy to help in their own small way. They found it an incredibly rewarding experience and were touched by the warmth and gratitude of those they had helped.’

This holiday season the Ventura Campus is also helping out their own students. Selling baked goods, chicken posole and other food items in a holiday fundraiser, the staff and faculty will use the funds to create student care packages. Students who are facing a financial need this holiday season will be given one of the care packages – complete with fixings for a holiday dinner and items to help students and their families enjoy this holiday season.

For more information please contact Monica Raymond at (805) 339-6370.