What Can I Do With A Business Administration Degree?

business administration degree | SBBC

You’re thinking about going to business school. What opportunities are available with a business administration degree?

Well, the great thing about having a business degree is that you may be able to apply for multiple business roles in different industries. You could work in marketing, finance, education, the non-profit sector, government, entertainment, and much more. It might seem overwhelming when you are searching for a job; however, the truth of the matter is that you have so many options which allows you to put multiple eggs in many baskets.

Another plus for possessing a business administration degree is that business is an ongoing necessity in our economy, unlike certain careers resulting from technological trends or social shifts. Business / Economics will always be around and is embedded within most industries. With an associate’s degree in business, many of the roles you can apply for are entry-level positions. With additional education and/or experience on the job, you may then qualify for advancement opportunities in management or supervision roles within your department.

Some of the roles you may be eligible to apply for are listed below.

If you love numbers, finding an opportunity in Finance might be the best fit for you. As an accountant, you focus on handling a business’s financial records or preparing applications for underwriting. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, job growth for accountants and auditors can be around $32.76 per hour if you receive a bachelor’s degree. You could also become a financial officer, which usually requires further education and certification. As a financial officer you would be responsible for maintaining financial reports, reviewing investment activities, and being liaison for advisors, managers, and clients.

If you have a knack for Marketing, you can become a public relations specialist, marketing assistant or coordinator, marketing manager, advertising executive, or brand strategist. Many of the roles allow you to be able to tap into your creativity. Marketing lets you brainstorm and analyze strategies for companies to gain more customers, market a product, or promote their brand.

Many business job opportunities require a minimum education requirement, such as a degree in business administration. Research local business positions for specific requirements in your area.

To help prepare you for your business career, SBBCollege’s business administration bachelor’s degree equips students with analytical and interpersonal skills. Our course topics include, but are not limited to: accounting, finance, management, marketing, and human resources. Plus, our business students receive job-placement assistance, including job lead development, resume writing and interview preparation, to help our students find their careers after graduation. Business classes are offered on-campus or 100% online.

We’re here to answer any questions you may have. To get started, contact us at 1-866-749-SBBC.