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Applying Academic Knowledge To Your Job

academic knowledge

Investing in learning brings many benefits to both your personal and professional life. Many employers prefer to hire someone with advanced education, whether it is from taking certificate courses to earning bachelor’s or master’s degrees. This comes with academic knowledge that is applicable to many careers.

According to CollegeBoard, those who obtain some form of higher education tend to make more money and live healthier lifestyles. Acquiring academic knowledge is great, but what do you do with it once you finish your courses?

Applying what you learn in school to your job is essential to retaining knowledge and skills. Application helps you continue to grow and keeps you on trend, showing your employer you can implement ideas to improve work.

There are many ways you can apply classroom knowledge on the job.


Reflect on Your Academic Knowledge

Reflection happens when you look back on what you learned or what took place and analyzing it so that you avoid repeating mistakes. It also helps you focus on the positive things learned and what did work so you can apply that to future tasks.

Some reports show how reflection helps you stay in charge of how you apply what you have learned, connect learning experiences on the job, and give you an idea of other areas in which you want to explore.

Reflection is more than just thoughts. Actions need to accompany reflection.

Write your reflections in a journal. Review notes and update them when information changes. Set goals based on your reflections.

It is actions like these that will help you follow through with your decisions for applying what you learned.


Seek Opportunities for Continued Practice

After you finish a course or a degree program, the job you land may not automatically be set up to allow implementation of what you studied. In such instances, you can seek out opportunities on your own.

Find ways to weave the academic knowledge gained into your everyday job duties. One example is if you studied computer technology but are working in healthcare, find the time to design or update software programs for your department.

This allows you to do your job while also implementing the new knowledge earned in class.

Another way you can continue to practice what you studied is to teach others.


Teach it To Others

There is no better way to implement your academic knowledge than to teach others what you have learned. Passing on knowledge to co-workers or even upper administration helps you retain information and allows them to stay up-to-date on trends in your field.

To effectively teach others what you learned in school, make sure you create a plan. Map out and organize the lessons you want to share.

Use training aids that are relevant and entertaining. Adapt your teaching style to match the learning styles of your colleagues. Teach them how to reflect and welcome feedback.

Constructive feedback can give you motivation to grow in areas you may not have thought about. Feedback awakens the innovative side in all of us, triggering us to make changes when necessary. It also leads us to new areas of interest for development.


Set Goals for Implementation

Before taking on anything new, it is a clever idea to set goals. You can get distracted along the way unless you have and maintain focus on the end goal or reward. Pick the specific skills you want to implement at work. Write both long-term and short-term goals of how you can apply that knowledge on the job.

To be successful in goal setting, keep them realistic and positive. Make your goals something that can benefit you and others, not something you fear. Make the time frame for each goal appropriate. Furthermore, make sure you have the tools to help you implement your skills.

Figuring out why you want to apply new knowledge and what you hope to accomplish will help you set goals. It helps you figure out what problem you are trying to solve or what task you want to improve.


Group Work

Participating in group work offers several chances to apply academic knowledge. What you have learned in your studies can be quite different than what your colleagues have learned. Even if you have studied related topics, each of you will have different perspectives.

Group work allows you to showcase your new knowledge. It shows you want the whole team to benefit from your expertise. It also shows you are willing to continue learning from your team. Together, your team can utilize new academic knowledge to garner successful outcomes.

You do not want to come across as the person with all the answers. Find a way to balance your excitement to implement new knowledge with your group’s willingness to accept what you are offering.


Change Your Routine to Include New Knowledge

Your work schedule may be very predictable, the same routine with little flexibility. Being stuck in a routine can make it hard to implement academic knowledge you have learned in college. You can change your routine, however.

Even small changes, like the order in which you complete tasks, can allow room for implementing information you have learned. You may even want to add a half hour at the beginning and end of your day to plan and reflect.


Don’t Try to Implement Everything at Once

This is hard. You are excited about what you learned in school. You know it can work if you implement it just right. You want to get started right away.

Going too fast can lead to negative outcomes.

You did not earn all your education in a rapid amount of time, so don’t try to implement everything you learned right away. Take the time to set goals and objectives. Prepare for both positive and negative outcomes of your implementation.

When applying new academic knowledge, consider the advantages and disadvantages of implementation, and prioritize the applications you wish to make.

Simply applying academic knowledge to your job is not enough. It’s important to analyze your actions and give yourself an honest evaluation, which can give you insight and direction for future applications.




How Paralegal Studies Can Get You Into The Law Field

Paralegal Studies

The American Bar Association defines a paralegal as “a person qualified by education, training or work experience who is employed or retained by a lawyer, law office, corporation, governmental agency or other entity and who performs specifically delegated substantive legal work for which a lawyer is responsible”.  Paralegal studies will prepare you to perform many legal tasks in firms or agencies.

Because there are so many areas within the law field, there are just as many areas for paralegals to find employment. Engaging in paralegal studies has advantages that can help you get into the law field.

You may choose to apply for the LSAT with intentions of attending Law School. You may also want to work for legal firms or private attorneys. Or, you may want to seek employment in non-law agencies that require the services of a paralegal or legal assistant. Paralegal studies will also help prepare you for the LSAT.


Law School

Passing the LSAT exam to be admitted into law school is still necessary, although many states are considering changing this requirement. Studying for and becoming a paralegal is like on the job training and preparation for the exam. You not only learn what you need in the classroom, but you also see your studies implemented into real world law situations.

You will also need good letters of recommendation. Working with attorneys as a paralegal can help you obtain those solid reference letters that may set you apart from other applicants who are seeking to enter law school.

In some cases, law firms offer their paralegals tuition reimbursement. Meaning, they will help you pay for law school if you dedicate a certain number of years of employment to them once you finish. Because law school can be expensive, an opportunity like this is a huge advantage. Even having exam fees paid for by an employer can be helpful.

Working as a paralegal can prepare you for the demands of the college class requirements. You will already know how to research factual and non-factual information, you will be able to prepare for mock trials, and you will be able to report your findings professionally, as you have seen your employer do in many situations.

You will already know how to use the Law Library, which is totally different from a regular library. Knowing how to research in this environment before law school will give you a great head start.

The knowledge you have gained from assisting an attorney, will benefit you in applying for and succeeding in law school.

Law Firms

Attorneys are busy preparing for trial. They spend many hours working on legal cases. Using a paralegal as an assistant provides attorneys with much needed help.

Paralegals can conduct research needed for a case. They can complete semi-legal tasks that require the services of an attorney but can be done by a paralegal. Some of these tasks include coordinating property tax appeals, investigate facts of a case, interview people involved with a case, proofread documents and ensure filing deadlines are met.

Rather than hiring more lawyers to complete these jobs, it is more cost-effective to hire paralegals who can do the exact same work as an attorney.

As a paralegal, you can do more than assist an attorney. You can also work in a legal office staff member position.

Legal Office Staff

As a paralegal, the office duties you can perform are wide. One day you may be researching and collecting data for a case, while the next day you may have to draft legal documents. You may spend most of one day answering calls and interviewing potential clients. The next day may be spent researching police records or preparing travel arrangements for your employer.

Studying and receiving a certificate in paralegal studies shows an attorney you will be able to handle all the needs of his or her office.

Working for an attorney is not the only working environment in which paralegals are valuable.

Non-Law Firm Agencies

Paralegals are needed in many organizations, not just law firms. Many private businesses and corporations seek the skills of paralegals. A corporate paralegal will assist the law team hired by the company. Paralegals in this field can expect to prepare documents and contracts.

They may also work to change the legal status of companies, from incorporated to limited liability companies and partnerships. Knowing each state’s incorporation rules is a must. Paralegal studies will prepare you for this.

Paralegals are also needed in the insurance business. They use their skills as a claims paralegal or in defense in claims cases.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 14 percent of paralegals are employed in local, state and federal government agencies. These may include the Social Security Administration, Courts, Department of Justice, and the Military.

Choosing the Right Paralegal Studies Program

Not all paralegal studies programs are the same. Some offer better courses that can potentially offer higher marketability when you enter the law field. Meaning, having certain knowledge can give your resume an edge over your competition.

Paralegal studies courses that can help you stand out to potential employers include learning legal terminology for the area of law you are applying. If you are seeking a job in corporate law, it is important you know the legal terms associated with corporations. If you are in criminal law, knowing related terminology is key.

Courses you want to take include learning interviewing techniques and skills. You will need to be taught how to research law data, both in a law library and using specialized computer systems.

Other courses should focus on identifying, analyzing and completing legal documents. One of the most important areas of study should focus on the ethics of working in the law fields.

An ethics course will teach you how to react professionally in many situations that are known to happen in the legal environment.You also learn about the importance of confidentiality between law workers and client.

Having the benefit of the knowledge you learn in classes and going on to receive your paralegal degree or certificate, will give you an advantage when entering the law field.




Is Online College Right for You?

Online College

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, close to 3 million college students are enrolled in at least one online course and 14 percent were enrolled exclusively in online courses. The appeal for online college is growing.

Completing a college class in your pajamas while sitting on the sofa in your own home sounds very enticing. Having control over when you complete assignments and how you progress through the course is truly an advantage.

With the cost and quality of online colleges improving, this may be the right path for you. There are an increasing number of scholarships and loans available for taking online courses. Depending on the college you choose, the credentials of your professors will be recognized and appreciated.

Taking courses online is found to be more convenient by many students today.

Although you do not have contact directly with your professor, he or she is accessible through several forms of communication

And even though you do not form a traditional type of community with classroom peers, there are various online ways to achieve support with classmates and other student groups if you need it. Many online courses also offer opportunities for you to participate in discussion forums and group projects.

Once you consider all the pros and cons, there are additional questions you can ask yourself to determine whether online college is right for you.

Do You Enjoy Working Online?

Online college is exactly that, online. You can expect all aspects of the coursework, from communicating with professors to turning in assignments, to be online.

Fortunately, good online colleges have implemented systems that make all the online components simple and easy to follow. You will need to have some items in place on your end before you can begin.

Do you enjoy being online? Do you find yourself looking forward to researching topics on the internet? Are you comfortable downloading documents, installing needed programs, emailing and even watching videos online?

If so, you will most likely enjoy attending an online college.

Do You Have the Right Technology?

While you can take an online course from anywhere in the world, you still need to have access to the right technology. You will need a desktop or laptop computer that has the right word document programs, ability to watch videos, email, and access the college’s web-based software.

You will also need to acquaint yourself with the IT technicians working for the online college so that if anything were to happen with the system, you will know who to contact and how.

What is Your Ultimate Educational Goal?

Being able to answer the question of why you want to attend college is a huge step towards deciding if online or brick and mortar college is best for you.

Are you hoping to finish a degree you started once before but due to unexpected circumstances, you couldn’t complete? Are you just looking to take extra courses to increase your knowledge in a certain topic area?

Are you looking to add extra qualifications to your resume? Are you wanting to switch careers altogether?

Set your goal so you can decide the best type of college to help you reach that goal.

What is Your Preferred Course of Study?

Most quality online colleges offer targeted, specific degrees that can be obtained in a relatively shorter period, and that caters to some of the most popular fields of study.

Some of these popular fields of study include healthcare, accounting, business, information technologies or computers. Many online colleges also focus on helping students achieve certifications and degrees in specialized trades.

What Financial Support is Available?

Financial aid is now available for online college students. Just like traditional colleges, financial advising staff are available to help you find a way to reach your academic goals.

Your enrollment status, whether you are a full or part time student, may affect the amount of financial aid you can receive. However, there are many alternatives to help you enroll in a degree program.

Another factor affecting financial aid is the accreditation of the online college to which you are applying. You want to find online colleges with the right credentials, like what you look for in professors.

What Type of Professor Do You Prefer?

Today, you will find online colleges hire credentialed professors with similar backgrounds you will find in traditional professors. Often, the same professors teach both online and in-person classes. Most professors have a master’s level degree or higher.

They are hired through an extensive interview process and must show experience in research and teaching.

It is important for you to do your research before enrolling in a course. Most online courses can offer you feedback on instructors and usually offer biographies of each professor. You may even be able to reach out to the professor before you enroll in a course for a question and answer session.

What Type of Lifestyle Do You Have?

Are you a single parent with a full-time job hoping to fit an online course into your busy schedule? Or, are you just finishing high school hoping to find yourself before committing to a career? Do you travel a lot? Do you have other commitments that take priority over education?

Organizing priorities regarding your lifestyle can help you determine if attending an online course or in-person classroom fits your lifestyle best.

Are You Self-Motivated?

Many people think getting a degree online means you have more flexibility. This is partly true. However, you still need to have a great amount of self-discipline to complete assignments on time. Succeeding with online courses means you do not procrastinate using valuable time management techniques.

The time you spend in an online course can often equal the time spent in a traditional course. Being able to direct yourself through every step of the process, including working with other online students and your professor, is a necessity for success.

Answering the questions above is a great first start in helping you decide if online college is the best way to help you reach your educational goals.




Air Conditioning Repair as a Career

Air Conditioning Repair

Air conditioning repair is important since AC is found almost everywhere. Air conditioning improves comfort levels, which is known to improve our productivity levels at work. A good air conditioning system can even improve the air quality in a room, keeping pollens away.

The cooler a room, the less inviting to pests and insects. People also sweat less and aren’t as likely to become dehydrated.

Just like everything else, there are pros and cons to using air conditioning. One con is that the systems are not always perfect. Most systems require maintenance and repair, sometimes more than others.

Therefore, there is a great need for air conditioning repair technicians. In fact, the need for repair technicians is growing rapidly.


Career Outlook for Air Conditioning Repair

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning, or HVAC, is expected to rise over the next ten years. With an estimated average income between $40,000 and $50,000, this line of work is very appealing.

Your salary will differ based on many factors. One may be the level of education and experience you have acquired. Another factor may be the location in which you work. Air conditioning is used by many more people in areas of the world where temperatures are hotter.

For instance, those in The South are more dependent on-air conditioning for longer periods of the year because they have more months with hotter temperatures. Therefore, they tend to use air conditioning systems for longer periods.

Duties of the job will also vary depending on the location of the system, how often it is used and because the uses are different for both residential and commercial environments.


Duties of an Air Conditioning Repair Technician

All repair technicians need to have the basic skills of being able to listen well to clients, communicating with customers and other technicians, and being creative when it comes to solutions. You will also need to have appropriate time management and organizational skills.

Air conditioning repair is not simply taking out an old system and installing a new one. There are many other tasks and steps you can take to resolve a problem for a system owner.

Repair technicians will need to know how to read blueprints of a house or building so you can identify where the system is located, its layout or where you need to install it. Other duties include following proper codes set forth for good business practices, safely wiring or rewiring low voltage systems and over-seeing the processes of installation and repair.

There may be times where you are providing technical service in the field and when a solution is not clear, you may find yourself troubleshooting until you find the right answers.

Air conditioning systems do not become faulty during a regular business week. As you know, systems break down in the evenings and on weekends. This means, as a repair technician, you will need to be on-call and expect to work odd hours to meet the needs of your customers.

Providing excellent customer service is one of the top duties of a repair technician. After all, the relationships you build with customers can help grow your business.


Educational Requirements of a Repair Technician

Air conditioning repair technicians with educational backgrounds may find it easier to obtain a job in the field. Larger companies want to hire employees who have made the efforts in getting an education and on the job training, such as that with an apprenticeship.

Many companies want new employees to have at least three years of on the job training, where they have been supervised by a more experienced technician.

Furthermore, employers like to hire technicians who have post-secondary education from a trade school or college in which they obtained licensure or certification stating they completed proper training.


Courses of Study for Repair Technicians

The courses you can expect to study as an air conditioning repair technician student include cooling and refrigeration, basic electricity, compressors, and the diverse types of systems and ventilation options.

Air conditioning repair technicians will need to learn much more than just cooling. In fact, they will also take classes on heating, heat pumps, motors, hvac piping, commercial and residential type systems, and detection of leaks and other problems.

You will learn how to determine air quality, which control circuit types are best for the job you are doing, soldering, and brazing.

The best thing about taking courses in this field is that they properly prepare you for taking the certification exam required for repair technicians by the EPA.

Whether you decide to become self-employed or work for a larger HVAC company, this certificate will assist you. It helps customers and employers feel secure in that you have received the proper amount of training to help you complete the job at hand.

It shows them you can work in different environments, solving a wide range of air conditioning problems.


Types of Work Environments

Climate control systems are advancing and becoming much more sophisticated for both commercial and residential environments. Office spaces, no matter how large or small, can install or upgrade air conditioning systems. With the constant development of new shopping malls, restaurants, office buildings and residential neighborhoods, there is a constant need for HVAC services.

You may find yourself repairing air conditioning systems in schools, hospitals, factories, government offices and even grocery stores. The work environments will be just as varied as the problems. Your work environment will often be hot and may need to happen when the weather is less than satisfactory.

But if you enjoy helping people in need, finding creative solutions that improve the lifestyle of others, and preventing the loss of products such as foods and medicines, this job is for you.

You may fine rewarding pay and each new day brings something different. It is doubtful you will find yourself bored by repeating the same routine day after day.

With expected growth in the use of air conditioning systems, the need for repair technicians will also grow, making it easier for you to maintain and grow a long-term, satisfying career.


The Advantages of Fast Track Training

Fast Track Training

According to Forbes Magazine, people choosing to acquire some form of higher education, even a minimal amount, may increase their earning potential after graduating with a high school diploma. Not everyone has the time, money or even the desire to obtain a four-year degree. Some may not even able to complete a two-year degree. Whether they are unable to because of time constraints, family obligations or financial reasons, entering the workforce without higher education is a reality for many.

Lacking higher education is not always a negative. In fact, many are finding they can do very well by creating a different, more unique path, towards a career.

Some high school graduates prefer to enter the workforce first, working towards their career goals, without the use of a college diploma.

Some may have been in the workforce for many years yet aren’t satisfied. You are thinking of changing careers but do not have the time to attend college courses for lengthy periods. You may not even be sure which direction you want to take your career.

Fast track training can help in a variety of scenarios. 

Fast track training is one way to get you into a career with some college education but without the need to complete an entire degree program. It can also help you avoid jumping from one career to another without having a clear direction.


What is Fast Track Training?

Fast track training gets you working in a field as soon as possible with little education and experience. It is an effective stepping stone to helping you reach career goals that are non-traditional. Meaning, you are not attending a higher education institution to receive a degree, but to receive a solid foundation that will help you enter or move upward in the workforce.

Some areas benefiting from fast track training include Information Technologies, or Computer Systems and Software. Other areas include pharmaceutical technologies, surgical technology, medical and vocational assisting, and even heating, ventilation and cooling.

Fast track training usually takes less than a year and gives your career goals that extra boost needed to help you achieve advancement.

Keep reading to learn some of the benefits of fast track training.


Gives You More Time to Decide on a Career

Not everyone knows the area of work they want to do for the rest of their lives at eighteen years old. High school does not set you up to decide on an exact career. Many students can gain work experience while in school, but not enough to help them determine a career path.

Getting as much experience as possible before investing in a college degree program can be beneficial by saving people time and money.

While some careers require a college degree, others require a master’s degree or higher.

Fortunately, there are many careers that only require a certificate before they can hire or promote you. Therefore, you can start working, then decide later if and how you want to continue your career journey.

While deciding, you are gaining real world experience, which can be very valuable in itself.


Gives You Real Experience by Working with Professionals

You need role models in your career. Fast track training gets you working with career role models faster than if you go through a longer degree program.

While a certificate is not the same as a degree, it can sometimes be a better fit for you lifestyle.

Fast track training allows you to jump right into work, learning through on-the-job training, getting the hands-on experience others may not get if they focus only on education before work.

You get the benefit of working with other professionals in the industry.

Having certificates through fast track training is getting people recognized by employers and enhancing job applications and resumes.


Enhances Your Resume

Fast track programs can sometimes give you an edge over other job applicants. When an employer must choose between two great candidates, having completed a fast track program may give you an edge.

While short term in length, fast track training can provide you with up to date instruction in specific areas within your field. Employers will take notice that you are current with trends and changes happening in the workforce.

On your resume, you can list the many specific courses you have taken related to the job in which you are seeking. This lets employers know you are already prepared for the job. It lets them know that orientation and training may require a lot less effort if they hire you.

Employers want to hire the person who is most capable of completing the requirements of the job. A fast track training program increases the number of tasks you can do well.

Furthermore, fast track training  shows your employer you like to learn, that you are eager to grow and adapt to the needs of the company or organization.


Connected with Fastest Growing Industries

Fast track training programs are not focused on random types of courses. Most programs are built around the industries with the fastest growth and most need for a varied sample of employees.

Industries such as the healthcare field are growing rapidly. Each year there is a need for more employees with specific knowledge. Fast track programs focus on many areas in healthcare that can get qualified staff into a job sooner.

In the medical field, opportunities for medical assistants, dental hygienists, and technicians are rising. This is also true for sectors needing more trade skills that include plumbing, heating and cooling, and even heavy equipment operators.

Information technology needs include web developers and software technicians. Repairmen within the software industry are also in high demand.

There are many certification programs that lead to exceptional job opportunities, many of which pay better than if you have just a high school diploma.

After completing a fast track training program, you will be able to determine how gaining education can benefit your career. This can help you decide if you want to pursue further education, or remain in the workforce, or both.

How to Decide Between an Associate Degree and a Bachelor’s Degree

associate degree or bachelors

Deciding a career path takes more than just an idea of how you want to spend your time at a job. There are many factors to consider, like which type of college degree you need. This usually means choosing between an Associate degree and a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university.

Associate degree and bachelor’s degree programs will differ in completion time, tuition costs, level of study required and the jobs you will be qualified for once done. They also differ when it comes to labor statistics, including employment rates.

There are schools, both online and on campus, that offer both an associate degree and bachelor’s. Types of schools can include community colleges, business schools, private or public universities. They each vary in cost and course selection.

Associate degrees typically allow students to go at their own pace. However, it can take as little as two years to complete the program if you attend as a full-time student. An associate degree can also be a stepping stone to a bachelor’s degree program.

Below are several tips that can also help you determine the right degree path.


Know the Value of An Associate Degree and A Bachelor’s Degree

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, those with only a high school diploma earn significantly less that those who acquired an associate degree or bachelor’s degree. Unemployment rates are listed at 5.4 percent for those with no higher education. For those with an associate degree it is at 3.4 percent and 2.5 for those with a Bachelor’s.

There is also a difference in pay between those who have earned degrees and those who have not. People with a bachelor’s degree earn an average of $1173 every week, while those with an Associates earn an average of $836 each week. People with no higher education earn an average of $700 each week.

With an associate degree, you can earn a degree in the arts, sciences and applied sciences. Whereas with a bachelor’s degree, the educational field options are much broader.

There are jobs that earn more money with an associate’s degree than with a bachelor’s degree.

Depending on your short-term and long-term goals, both an Associate’s and a bachelor’s could be a stepping stone to helping you along the way. They both give you options you would not have otherwise. They can help you follow your desires and potentially feel more valued in the workplace.

You can start working on your goals by asking yourself why it is you want to attend college. Do you want personal enrichment or a specific degree? Do you want to make more money or gain knowledge in a particular area? Are you going through a transition in your life and want a complete change of career?

Start with long-term goals.


Know Your Long-Term Goals

Long-term goals are set with your future in mind. Look five, ten, even twenty years down the road. Where do you want your career to be during those milestones? Answering questions like this can help you decide if an Associate’s or bachelor’s will help you reach those goals.

Long-term goals can change based on completion or incompletion of short-term goals. For example, you may obtain an Associate degree and then realize you want to study further to get a bachelor’s degree. You may realize your strengths along the way and adjust your college goals to match where you are now.

Goal setting keeps you on track and focused throughout your college experience.

For every long-term goal, there are short-term goals. These are the tasks that will help you reach your long-term goals, the smaller duties to help you achieve success.


Know Your Short-Term Goals

Short-term goals can be set by deciding what a successful year ahead looks like for you. Does it mean completing as many courses as possible? Or making great grades? Or working while also going to college?

Your short-term goals may include more than just yourself, like family. Figuring out what it takes to be successful in all the areas of your life can help you determine if you are ready for an associate degree level of study or a bachelor’s level.

Your level of commitment to college can change based on your short-term goals. You may want to test the waters of higher education by taking a few classes. An Associate’s program could satisfy these short-term goals. You may know your exact career path and want to work through it quickly, making a bachelor’s program a more viable option.


Know What You Can Invest

The best investment you can make is in yourself and your education. Knowledge is one thing that cannot be taken away once it has been gained. Investing in your own learning is extremely valuable.

To invest wisely in learning, it is important that you know and respect your limits in all areas of your life. Remain in control of your finances and make wise decisions that will further advance you in reaching your goals of obtaining a degree.

Furthermore, know your lifestyle and how to overcome any obstacles that may affect your educational goals.


Know Your Lifestyle

How important is salary? Can you get a flexible work schedule? Do you have children with academic and sport scheduling?

These are just a few of the questions to answer when matching a college degree with your lifestyle. For everything you add to your life, some other area may get less attention.

If you are single with few major responsibilities and eager to get started towards your career goals, attending a bachelor’s degree program full-time may be ideal. On the other hand, if you are a parent of a young child who also needs to work full-time while studying, an associate degree program is better for your lifestyle.

The best way to help you decide between an associate degree and a bachelor’s degree is to do a lot of research, weigh the pros and cons of each. Find out everything you can on your chosen career.

Also, seek help from career counselors at different colleges and universities.

Keeping Up in the Healthcare Field in the Digital Age

Healthcare Technology - SBBCollege

The healthcare field has not always been up to trend when it comes to technology. However, today it is quickly catching up and implementing fantastic digital platforms that allow for better patient care.

Some trends in healthcare include mobile apps created and used by doctors and clinics. With these apps patients can access their records and communicate for effectively with staff. Other trends include telemedicine and wearables that can perform health related tasks.

This is an exciting time to be working in the healthcare field. It is important to keep up and adapt with the times. With everything being online, there are specific areas you can focus on that may aid in your abilities to adjust and evolve with each new digital change.

Areas such as electronic health records, online billing and coding, communicating with insurance companies and how prescriptions are filled are necessary elements of the patient care process. Below each area is discussed in more detail, as well as what you can do to keep up in the digital age.


Electronic Health Records

Electronic health records offer benefits to both the patient and the practice in which you work. They were developed with the hope of engaging the patient in their own healthcare. It was also created to provide better coordination of care and to be able to provide better privacy of patient information.

One major advantage of electronic health records is that all medical staff working with a single patient can communicate about that patient through the software chosen.

Whether you are a medical assistant or in administration, electronic health records can make your job easier. Not only do they save time, they improve communication among staff. Everyone in contact with a patient can document their interactions directly into the system. Patients will appreciate that they do not need to repeat statements with each staff member who treats them.


Online Medical Billing

Medical billing is not just the process of submitting claims to insurance companies and following up with those claims to receive payments for services provided. It also includes patient check-in, insurance verification, charge entry, payment verifications, payment posting and more.

This is a very important job and a good medical biller can help the practice thrive economically.

The medical biller is the direct link between the practice and the payment agency. You will submit claims directly to insurance companies. Claims are invoices for services provide to the patient.

In the digital age, medical billing procedures and insurance billing are done with the latest, specialized software. Many practices are also using cloud based or web-based software to manage patient appointments and even handle accounts receivable tasks. Knowing how to use software like this will help you keep up with any changes in the field.

Directly related to online medical billing is medical coding. You cannot have medical billing without the services first being coded.


Online Medical Coding

Medical coding involves reviewing clinical information and entering a corresponding code or number to the clinical services provided to a patient. These codes help in the billing process. You will need to know basic and advanced types of diagnostic coding.

Common coding classification used today include ICD, CPT and HCPCS.Being tech savvy in these is a key to success in this field.

As a medical coder, you will manage, read and analyze specifically coded information regarding patients.

Staying ahead of coding changes may seem like a big challenge but with the technology available, it can be done. It is up to the medical coder to correctly submit diagnoses so billing to the patient and to insurance companies happens without errors.

If a code is incorrect, billing with be incorrect and could delay the practice receiving revenue it has earned.


Healthcare Office Efficiency

Each staff member has a responsibility to keep the practice running efficiently. In the digital age, medical software technology assists in doing this. In fact, offices can report a huge improvement in patient care and streamlined office duties.

Once a patient’s information is entered into the database, it can be accessed at any time to update files, vital statistics, lab reports or doctor notes. All of this can be done with just the click of a button. No longer are the days of finding a patient’s file, worrying if the right papers are in the file, or putting the file back in the wrong place.


Online Prescription Processing

According to reports, 7 out 10 patients are taking a prescription ordered by their physician. Prescription medicines are used for just about every ailment. From lowering cholesterol to controlling blood pressure to treating diabetes, there is a medicine for it.

Ordering prescriptions for patients is a huge part of your job working in the healthcare industry. Knowing how to complete this process using up-to-date technology will improve patient care. Keeping up with the technological trends in pharmacy is a must.

Pharmacists and Pharmacist Technologists play a significant role in the process of treating a patient. Knowing how to use software applications can help you stay up-to-date with terminology, procedures, and calculations necessary for providing the best patient care.

The use of technology can reduce and possibly prevent medication errors. Reports show there are certain benefits of technology in the prescription process: electronic medication reconciliation; computerized physician entry; automated dispensing; and barcode tracking.


How to Keep Up in the Digital Age

There are many ways to keep up with the evolving technology in the medical field. You can take college classes geared specifically for the areas in which you need to update your training. There are certification and fast-tracking programs available.

Following blogs that teach current trends in healthcare technology is another way to stay up-to-date. Conducting your own research online, as well as just finding ways to practice with advancements to your current programs used in your office.

Technology will continue to advance. Most patients will appreciate the advancements, as they likely improve the care they receive. And improving patient care is, of course, the goal of all professionals in the healthcare industry.

Career Options with a Legal Degree

Career Options With A Legal Degree - SBBCollege

Becoming a lawyer or a judge is not the only way to work in the legal field. These jobs may be the first areas that come to mind but they are just two of the numerous professional areas in which you can seek work after obtaining your legal degree.

The Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports there are jobs in the legal field that are increasing faster than average. Jobs such as paralegals and legal assistants are expected to grow by fifteen percent between now and 2026. These are professional fields you can enter with just an Associate Degree.

Whether you get your legal degree in paralegal studies or the criminal justice field, you will study a wide range of coursework that can help prepare you for varied careers.

Below you will find more information on specific careers for those with a legal degree.


Working with Juveniles

If you have a desire to work with children and adolescents, you have several areas in which you can focus within the legal industry.

Youth Advocacy can allow you to work for positive changes on behalf of the youth in your community. You can do this through outreach, education and helping make policy changes. Youth advocates typically have a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice.

The main goal of a Youth Advocate is to act in the best interest of the youth in which you are working with to make sure their rights and needs are being met.

Also, with a legal degree in Criminal Justice, you can work directly with juveniles on probation or use your experience as a juvenile court counselor. But you don’t always need a bachelor’s degree to work with juveniles. You can work in juvenile correctional facilities with an Associates Degree.

You will also be prepared to serve as a case manager for youth in the legal system. Because of the rise in drug and alcohol issues in America, your criminal justice degree can prepare to work in treatment centers as well as in social services.

You may even choose to work with juvenile attorneys, or work with attorney in other areas.


Working with Attorneys

As a paralegal or legal assistant, you will be able to support attorneys and law firms in many ways. You may seek a job as a legal office receptionist, one of the most important jobs in the field. It is the legal office receptionist who is the first point of contact for the firm.

With an Associate degree, you will be prepared to perform all necessary legal job duties required to succeed in the profession.

If legal researching sounds more appealing, you will be prepared to perform those duties as well. Legal researchers work closely with lawyers, preparing for court cases. You will research former cases, verdicts, laws and any other information that can improve your attorney’s chances during trial.

Your legal degree prepares you to discuss cases using the right legal terminology. You will also know how to distinguish between legal documents your attorney uses.

Rather than working directly with attorneys in a firm, some graduates choose to work inside the court system.


Working with Court Systems

As a Court Clerk, you can have the chance to assist officers of the court, such as judges, other clerks and attorneys. You could seek a position in a county court, district court, all the way up to the Supreme Court. Duties may be to handle various legal documents, issue licenses or permits, and record court appearances.

Other ways to work in the court system is with a legal degree in Criminal Justice. You could become a bailiff assistant or a bail bonds assistant.

A bail bond is a legal contract between the court, the bail bond agent and a co-signer who is willing to put up a percentage of money for someone who has been arrested to be released from jail. As an assistant, you will take care of all the administrative tasks this process involves.

A bailiff assistant handles court schedules, docket records and respond to other requests by court officials, which can range from locating judges to assisting with DNA checkpoints.

If working in these specific areas of the legal system does not sound appealing, that’s okay. There are many other areas you can seek work. These can be working with the community, private agencies, public or governmental agencies.


Working with the Community

Social service agencies work with the community at large. If you are interested in serving the health of the community and the people in your community, this may be an area for you to investigate further. Social service agencies can be non-profit organizations, social workers, and even private agencies working toward the good of the community.

There are close to two million social service workers in America, and rising. Meaning, there is an increase in your chances of landing a job in this field, assisting professionals such as counselors, case managers, treatment centers and probation offices.

Aside from human services, jobs exist in other private and public agencies too.


Private and Public Agency Opportunities with a Legal Degree

Seeking a job in corporations, insurance companies, and government agencies on the local, state and federal levels may interest you.

With a criminal justice degree, whether associate’s or bachelor’s, you can search for jobs working at private security companies, colleges and universities, airports or even working security detail for an individual.

You will be educated in criminal behaviors, victimology and the law, you may want to put your skills to use in agencies that seek to rehabilitate criminals or work with domestic violence victims. From advocacy to apprehending violators, you have a broad range of jobs to consider.

As a paralegal, you can choose to work in large private law firms or become an entrepreneur and start your own paralegal consulting business. Your Associate degree prepares you for all job possibilities in these sectors.

A legal degree is not a guarantee of your dream job right away. However, it does teach you and better equip you to reach that goal.



Top 5 Reasons You Should Get into the Medical Field

Medical Field | SBBCollege

Deciding what to do for your career can be difficult. You have multiple talents. You have multiple dreams. It’s important to find the right balance between both of those, while also considering other factors such as income and growth potential. The medical field offers a wide range of opportunities that can meet your needs. And you don’t have to be a physician to reach your goals of financial or personal freedom. In fact, there are many more jobs available in the administrative and patient care branches that require just a small amount of education.

This means you can achieve financial and personal goals with as little as a two-year degree. This is fantastic, especially since jobs in the medical field are increasing rapidly. Around the world there is a need for all types of medical professionals.

Below are five top reasons to work in the medical field that can help you when considering your career path.


1. It Is the Fastest Growing Industry

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the Healthcare industry to be growing faster than all other industries. The expected growth rates of jobs in the medical field between 2012 and 2022 show a diagnostic sonographer at 46 percent, while a physician assistant is 38 percent.

Other areas in the healthcare field expected to grow rapidly include occupational therapists, medical receptionists, and even medical equipment repairer.

The idea that you could be working in one of these fast-growing careers in under two years is exciting. The rapid growth rate of the industry is making it hard for hospitals and clinics to recruit those of you with specialty talents and education.

Recruiting methods are now including paid tuition, bonuses and in some areas, free housing. This is needed because the job openings far exceed the number of qualified staff to fill the openings. Jobs in the medical field are increasing in demand.


2. Flexible Scheduling Available

The types of jobs available in the medical field are varied and many are finding they have flexibility when it comes to the scheduling. Whether administrative or in the field, there are opportunitiesto work the hours that fit your needs and the needs of your family or lifestyle.

You may choose to work on the business side and do the important tasks of medical billing, coding, managing or assisting in an office environment. You can choose from daytime hours, evening hours, and even weekend hours.

The administrative staff and the healthcare staff complement one another.Many clinics and hospitals are open around the clock. Meaning, you have the chance to work varied shifts.

If you are interested in working with patients to check vital signs, administering medications and other tasks in a clinical setting, there can be many opportunities to find the right practice or medical facility that benefits your scheduling needs.

Each job area in the medical field recognizes the importance of providing staff with flexibility. Unlike many other professions, you can create a schedule that suits you, and you can make a nice income.


3. Earnings Potential

Many years ago, the physician made the best income in the medical field. While this was true, they also had to spend many years in higher education, accumulating a lot of student loan debt.

Today, and in just a couple of years, a person can get a great paying job in the medical industry. Results shown at Healthcare Management Degree, salaries are higher than ever for a variety of medical professions.

According to, reports show radiologic and MRI technologists can ear close to $60,000. The same is true for respiratory therapists and nurses.

Other reports state you can make between $52,000 as a cardiovascular technician or physical therapist technician to $65,000 as a diagnostic sonographer to $70,000 as a dental hygienist. All of these require a two-year degree and many programs can be fast-tracked for your convenience.

There are people with four-year college degrees who do not make this much money. In fact, many people graduate with large student loan debt and are only able to find a job at an entry level that pays very little.

Seeking a career in the medical field also means you may have paid for benefits, as well as options for the hours you wish to work.


4. Multiple Medical Field Career Options

What fields of study can get you the right job in the medical industry? Believe it or not, some fields do not require a degree from college. But if you get a 2-year degree, you significantly increase your opportunities in the medical field. You also increase your chances for moving up the ladder at the clinic or hospital in which you are employed.

The career choices you have can change as you grow and change. You may want to start out your career as a medical assistant and continue your education to become a nurse. Or, you may want to move from a radiologic technician to a diagnostic sonographer. Most of the time, there are clear steps to advancement based on acquiring new skills. And with the ample educational opportunities at Two-Year Colleges to provide you with the courses and certificates necessary to make your move, you increase your chances of success.


5. You Can Make a Difference

Your goal is to make a difference. You enjoy helping others and you are good at making people feel valued, safe and comfortable. You are perfect for the medical field. Making a difference can be done on many levels.

You can begin making a difference when you are a student in medical studies. There are multiple opportunities for practical field experiences, volunteering and job shadowing. You can even participate in paid internships.

The difference you can make in touching the lives of patients is often found to be more rewarding than financial gains. At the end of each day, you don’t remember how many dollars you earned. You do remember, however, how many lives you helped.

The best investment you can make is in you. Invest in the right education that can help you achieve your goals in the shortest amount of time.

When compared to other fields of study, working in the medical field offers a great return on your investment.

Developing Marketable Skills at a Business School

Marketable Skills | SBBCollege

Are you in a business school and wondering how you can make yourself look more attractive in the workforce? You are not alone. One of the best ways to maximize your time in business school is to develop marketable skills that may help you find the right job.

You already have a great deal of education on the important topics within your industry. You understand how organizational, leadership, finance and legal skills are essential for success in businesses. You have learned the importance of management, technical, ethical and regulatory compliance skills.

Now, you just need to add specific marketable skills that enhance what you already know.

Having marketable skills means you have a talent that someone else is willing to buy. To make more money in your career, you need to have a skill that other people may not have but need.

You can start developing marketable skills now. Don’t wait until you are finished with your higher education to begin setting yourself apart from your competition.


The Best Marketable Skills to Have

Money magazine participated in a large study of millions of employer profiles to discover the most marketable career skills. They found there are 21 skills that stood out from the rest. Some of these top skills include bottom line management, strategic thinking, and advanced technology.

Other skills include being able to lead others, analyze data, solve problems, creativity, and social media literacy. It is also important for you to be able to adapt and grow with an ever-changing world of businesses and business trends. Even more, it is important to find ways to shine and stand out among the crowd.

You may already have marketable skills. A great first step is to analyze your current abilities and make a list of the skills you already have that can make you more marketable in the job world. The next step is to make a list of the skills you want to gain. Then, go out and develop them. This can be done even while in school.

Below you will find tips to developing these types of marketable skills while attending business school.


Advance Your Tech Abilities

Computers and technology are not going away. Just the opposite. Every industry can benefit from someone with advanced technology skills. You can make yourself more marketable by learning as much as you can within the technology industry.

Business schools have extensive course offerings to help you do this. From computer networking to hardware configuration to troubleshooting and repairs, there are classes available. There are also technology classes that can help you advance your skills in networking, installing programs and using advanced versions of common software.

Classes like these can prepare you to take certification exams. If you pass the exam, you will be rewarded with an actual certificate that shows potential employers or customers that you have advanced knowledge and marketable skills. Examples of certifications include Microsoft Technical Associate or Office Specialist.


Become a Champion Communicator

Developing communication skills goes beyond having the ability to give a speech or interact with colleagues. While those are important, communication entails much more.

Communication skills are both verbal and non-verbal. They include communications through writing, online social media abilities, and how well you can motivate and coach others. Communication also involves your ability to listen well, to the needs of your employer and to your customers.

A business school is a suitable place to advance your communication skills. There are both online and in-person opportunities that give you practice in communications.

Subscribing to newsletters from leaders and departments can teach you how to receive communications and pick out the most valuable information from each. Taking advanced technology skills will help you with your online communications. You can even join social media groups to gain practice in how to properly respond to both negative and positive posts.

Attending campus meetings and participating in groups and clubs can give you experience working with your peers and learning how to communicate verbally and non-verbally. Working in groups will also show employers you have well-rounded collaboration skills.


Become a Better Leader

Business schools offer many opportunities to develop your leadership skills. Finding a mentor in an Instructor or campus leader is one way. Just by spending time with other leaders can teach you the skills they have that make them successful.

In many cases, shadowing other leaders if a reality-based learning tool. You can also take courses that teach specific leadership skills such as organization, management, marketing and problem solving. You can create your own opportunities while in school too. For instance, organize a community service project in which you lead others in an activity that benefits others.

You may also want to help new students by orienting them to the school, assist a professor or volunteer in administrative offices on campus. Fundraising events are great ways to gain leadership skills. The more you do, the more your leadership skills will be noticeable to potential employers.


Become a Problem-Solving Pro

Problems exist in colleges, just as they do in the real world. Solving problems shows you can research the problem, develop creative ideas to solve the problem and implement solutions. These are skills all employers desire for their staff.

While in business school, many of your courses will teach you how to apply learned problem-solving techniques to real-world problems. You can also create opportunities for yourself while in school. Research problems you hear your peers discussing. Develop solutions to these problems and work with a group to create a solution.

Doing so shows you not only have the skills to solve a problem, but the initiative and motivation to create something better. It will also show you are good at time management, teamwork and critical, strategic thinking.

You can start improving your skills today. Business schools offer many opportunities to do so. Whether you take a specific course, assist a professor, or lead your own project, you will be able to develop marketable skills that increase your employability.