Graduating from college with a degree is the reward you deserve after putting forth such significant effort. You worked hard to successfully obtain a degree. Now you are ready for the next step, finding a job related to your degree.
As you may already know, graduating in a specific degree program is no guarantee of a job related to your degree. Every field, from business to technology to healthcare, will vary in job availability. While some fields may be in high need of applicants, others may be overwhelmed with applicants.
This does not mean finding a job is impossible. There are tips you can follow to help you in your search. Below are some of these helpful tips.
Finding A Job Through Networking
Networking simply means get to know people. When networking while finding a job, it means you are getting to know people who work in your preferred industry.
Employers enjoy hiring people they already know, or those who are referred by someone they know. Networking and meeting people in your field of study could take your application from the bottom of a slush pile to the top.
Start with your references and expand from there, reaching out to important people in your industry. Be genuine in your communications, ask for advice and focus on building relationships.
While you have acquired the knowledge to work in your field of study, you can never have too much on the job experience. An apprenticeship is a smart way to gain that experience needed for finding a job while at the same time gaining references.
Apprenticeships offer you the technical experience you need to stand out from the crowd when job searching. Some companies even offer paid apprenticeships. Meaning, you make money learning to do the job you love.
Career Counselors
Career counselors know and have access to the many resources to help you in your job search. They can teach you the online job sites where employers in your field are posting open positions.
Career counselors may also have access to assessments you can take to determine which direction your job search should be going. They can help you set realistic goals and expectations.
Meeting with a career counselor can give you someone to talk to when you are feeling apprehensive or struggling with the job search process. They can offer you advice and give you positive feedback to keep you from losing sight of your goals.
Make a Mark in Your Field of Study
Making a mark in your field of study simply means to find a way to help or do charitable deeds. Helping others feels good and makes you feel valuable.
Volunteering is one of the best ways to give back to your field of study. For example, if you want to work in the healthcare industry, volunteering at a children’s hospital will not only look good on your resume, but it will give you internal rewards that are priceless.
Through volunteer work, you will meet potential references and increase your network for finding a job. You may even gain access to unpublished job openings.
Stay Updated in Your Field
Many fields of study require keeping up to date with the latest certifications and learning current trends. Just because you have finished your degree doesn’t mean you have to stop learning. In fact, the more learning you do, the more you can offer to a new employer.
Staying updated does not necessarily mean you need to continue taking college level courses. There are many ways to gain additional knowledge in your degree field. Continuing education classes, certification courses and even online courses can benefit your job search.
You can start this process by subscribing to newsletters from successful people in your industry. You can also join online forums and groups where potential colleagues are discussing important trends in your field. This gives you the perfect opportunity to communicate directly with those who have proven to be successful in finding jobs related to their degree.
Ask Those Who Have Been Successful
You have probably seen or met people who graduate college and succeeded at finding a job in their degree field right away. They did something right, right? Why not ask them for advice? Find out what steps they took to get a job and do the same.
You could benefit from having a mentor and the best time to get a mentor in your field is in the beginning. Seek a mentor who you admire and who has been successful, even in tougher times. Your mentor should be someone who cares about your growth in the field as much as helping you get a job.
A good mentor can help you develop your strengths, increase your confidence and motivate you throughout your career.
Think About Starting Your Own Business
Sometimes not finding a job related to your degree right away can be a good thing. It gives you the opportunity to think about starting your own business. Being an entrepreneur today is exciting and many people are finding remarkable success on their own.
Being an entrepreneur allows you the ability to create your dream job, based on your life goals, rather than the goals of an employer.
The benefits of starting your own business include the flexibility of your time. You can set your own work times and modify them based on client needs. You get to follow your own vision, based on your strengths.
Because you are self-employed, you become more motivated to succeed. You work harder to see your dreams come true, filling you with a sense of pride when you do succeed.
Being an entrepreneur helps you reach your career mission sooner. And while there will be ups and downs, you will benefit and grow from experiencing both.
While not everyone will have the same job hunting experience, you can benefit from the same tips. Meeting people in your industry, staying up to date on trends, expanding your knowledge and volunteering give you more than just an edge in your job search.