SBBC is comprehensively monitoring the COVID-19 situation. Please visit the links below for the most current campus availability information as well as resources available to you.
President’s Message
Monday, March 1, 2021
The work we do is incredibly rewarding because we get to do it together. If you are experiencing any challenges as society continues to reopen, please remember that you can always connect with each other and reach out to your campus leaders for support.
We will continue prioritizing the health and safety of all our students, faculty and staff and want to thank you again for your continued support as part of the SBBCollege family.
Director of Student Services
COVID-19 Vaccine Information
COVID-19 Vaccine: What You Need to Know
The safety of our students, faculty and staff is one of our top priorities. SBBCollege is closely monitoring the latest reports from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and have included some guidelines and tips below regarding the COVID-19 vaccination. Please review the resources to help keep our communities safe as we continue to work with local and state health authorities.
- 8 Things to Know about the U.S. COVID-19 Vaccination Program
- Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines
- Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines
- Understanding How COVID-19 Vaccines Work
- Benefits of Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine
- Who Gets Vaccinated First?
- COVID-19 Vaccination: What to Expect Before Vaccination
- COVID-19 Vaccination: What to Expect After Vaccination
- Frequently Asked Questions about COVID-19 Vaccination
California COVID-19 Vaccination
California is currently allocating COVID-19 vaccines as they become available to ensure quick distribution. Vaccine providers rely on a collaboration between local health departments and statewide organizations and associations. Allocation decisions are data driven with an emphasis on equity and protecting vulnerable populations such as healthcare workers and long-term care residents.
The California COVID-19 vaccination plan consists of several phases, and according to the California Department of Public Health, we can expect to have enough supplies to vaccinate most residents in all 58 counties by summer 2021.
COVID-19 Preventative Measures
At Santa Barbara Business College the safety of all our students, faculty and staff will always be a top priority. With ongoing concerns about the Coronavirus (COVID-19), SBBC is closely monitoring the latest reports from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and have taken a number of precautionary measures. Included below are some guidelines, resources and tips to help keep our communities safe.
Recommended Preventative Measures
We are closely monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and following the latest reports from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to make sure we are adhering to all the best practices in keeping our campuses and communities safe. We have implemented a number of health and safety measures on our campuses and are working with our state and local public health partners. Below are some personal health and safety tips to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, including COVID-19. It is very important that we maintain a safe working environment, so please adhere to these preventative measures:
How to limit the spread of germs and prevent infection:
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick. It is recommended that you practice “social distancing” by remaining 6 feet away from others at all times.
- Avoid large crowds whenever possible. Try to limit your outings and traveling to only necessary excursions – grocery store, pharmacy and doctor visits are the priority. Everything else can wait.
- Limit contact (such as handshakes) as much as possible. Fist bumping or elbow connections are the “new norms” and preferred alternatives to the more traditional greetings.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- If water and soap are not available, clean hands using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- If you are not feeling well, stay home from school/work. Contact your local medical professional if you exhibit any related symptoms.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. More information on how to disinfect can be found here.
- Know how your local public health agency will share information in your community and stay informed. Find more information here.
We understand this is a stressful time and people want to know what they can do to protect themselves and their families. While COVID-19 is likely to be more widespread than initial reports suggest, it is not as deadly as many fear with disproportionally far more cured cases than deaths.
Please remember to follow these guidelines and call your doctor if you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop symptoms.
Guidelines for staying healthy:
- CDC guideline for handwashing
- Guidance on the use of hand sanitizers from the California Department of Education
- World Health Organization (WHO) video on social distancing
- Apple’s Updated iPhone Cleaning Guidelines
- Guide to Social Distancing
Public health agencies:
Campus Operations Overview
SBBC Campuses returning to on-site instruction June 8th:
- Bakersfield
- Rancho Mirage
- Santa Maria
CARES ACT HEERF Student Grant Report
Please view these documents on our Student Consumer Information page. Thank you!
Holiday Safety Measures
Best Practices for Holiday Traveling
Traveling for the holidays may increase your chance of spreading and getting COVID-19. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), staying home and/or limiting the amount of traveling this holiday season is the best way to protect yourself and others. SBBCollege recommends following the guidelines below for all faculty, staff or students planning on traveling during the holidays.
Domestic Travel
If you are traveling for the winter holidays, here are some important questions to ask yourself and your loved ones beforehand. These questions can help you decide what is best for you and your family.
- Are you, someone in your household, or someone you will be visiting at increased risk for getting very sick from COVID-19?
- Are cases high or increasing in your community or at your destination? Check CDC’s COVID Data Tracker for the latest number of cases in each area.
- Are hospitals in your community or at your destination overwhelmed with patients who have COVID-19? To find out, check state and local public health department websites.
- Does your home or destination have requirements or restrictions for travelers? Check state and local requirements before you travel.
- During the 14 days before your travel, have you or those you are visiting had close contact with people they don’t live with?
- Do your plans include traveling by bus, train, or airplane, which make staying 6 feet apart difficult?
- Are you traveling with people who don’t live with you?
If the answer to any of these questions is “yes,” then the CDC recommends making other plans, such as hosting a virtual gathering or delaying your travel.
If your answers are “no” and you do decide to travel, be sure to take these steps during your trip to protect yourself and others from COVID-19:
- Check travel restrictions before you go.
- Check CDC’s Domestic Travel Guidance and consider testing before and after you travel.
- Get your flu shot before you travel.
- Wear a mask in public settings, when using public transportation, and when around people you don’t live with.
- Wear your mask correctly over your nose and mouth, secure it under your chin, and make sure it fits snugly against the sides of your face.
- Stay at least 6 feet apart from anyone who does not live with you.
- Wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
- Avoid touching your mask, eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Bring extra supplies, such as masks and hand sanitizer.
- If driving, pack your food and limit stops.
- Know when to delay your travel.
International Travel
Testing before and after international travel can reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19. Testing does not eliminate all risk, but when paired with everyday precautions (like wearing masks and social distancing), it can make travel safer by reducing spread on planes, in airports, and at destinations. These recommendations from the CDC are intended to inform safer, more responsible international travel during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Get tested with a viral test 1-3 days before your flight.
- Always follow state and local recommendations or requirements related to travel.
- Delay your travel if you are waiting for test results.
- Get tested 3-5 days after travel AND stay home for 7 days after travel.
- Even if you test negative, stay home for the full 7 days.
- If you don’t get tested, it’s safest to stay home for 10 days after travel.
What to Do if You Get Sick After Traveling
If you get sick with fever, cough, or other symptoms of COVID-19 after traveling, please make sure to:
- Stay home and take precautions. Avoid contact with others until it’s safe for you to end isolation.
- Stay in touch with your doctor and call before your visit to let them know you might have COVID-19.
- If you have an emergency warning sign, get emergency medical care immediately.
- If you live in close quarters with others, take additional precautions to protect them.
If you have a medical appointment that cannot be postponed, call your doctor’s office and tell them you have or may have COVID-19. This will help the office protect themselves and other patients. See CDC’s page on What to Do If You Are Sick for more details.
Information for Veterans
Important GI Bill® Update – Congress Passes New Legislation due to COVID-19
Over the past two weeks, VA has worked with Congress to preserve GI Bill® benefits for impacted students during this difficult time. The Senate and House passed S.3503 and the bill will be headed to POTUS to sign, which will give the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) the authority to continue GI Bill® payments uninterrupted in the event of national emergencies. The new law allows for VA to continue to pay benefits regardless of the fact that the program has changed from resident training to online training. Also, students will continue to receive the same monthly housing allowance payments that they received for resident training until January 1, 2021, or until the school resumes normal operations of resident training. VA is working to immediately implement the new changes to address current and future school terms to ensure students continue to receive their education benefits.
What should GI Bill® Students know?
There is no action required from a GI Bill® student. VA has scheduled several training sessions with all VA approved schools and training facilities over the next couple of days to provide further guidance. We will work closely with schools to ensure enrollments are accurately certified and processed timely.
We are committed to providing regular updates to you through direct email campaigns and social media about VA’s effort to implement these new changes.
If you have questions about your specific circumstance, please contact the Education Call Center at: 1-888-442-4551 between 8 AM and 7 PM Eastern Time, Monday-Friday.
Contact Us
Visit us on the web at
Call us at 1-888-442-4551
TDD: 711
Follow us on Social Media
If you know a Veteran who is in crisis, call the Veterans Crisis Line at
1-800-273-8255 and press 1.
State and Local Resources
For State and Local resources in your area, click here.
For up-to-date information, please visit the Centers for Disease Control website for learning more about any risk to the health of our community. We will remain in close contact with campus leaders to ensure that there is a broad understanding of the complexities of this dynamic situation.
The New Rules of Grocery Shopping Under Quarantine
Coping with Stress During the Coronavirus Outbreak
COVID-19 Information and Resources from Google
How Amazon says you should handle your packages
For more information about how to protect yourself, please review these fact sheets from the CDC:
- Coronavirus Disease 2019: What You Need To Know
- Facts About COVID-19
- How To Stop the Spread of Germs
- Symptoms of Coronavirus Disease
- What To Do If You Are Sick
- Social Distancing 101
- 15 Days To Slow The Spread
- Dr Oz: How to wash your hands with a ‘Turkish twist’
COVID-19 symptoms can include a high fever, cough, and difficulty breathing, similar to what you may feel with influenza or a bad cold. The incubation period (how soon the symptoms appear from the time of first exposure) for this virus appears to be 2-14 days.
Any member of our community who has traveled to a potentially impacted area within the last two weeks or has come in contact with someone who may have the virus AND is experiencing symptoms such as those described above should immediately contact their health care provider and seek medical attention.
If you are sick with Coronavirus or suspected of being infected with it, follow the steps in this fact sheet to help prevent spreading it to people in your home and community.
In addition, we would like to address some important questions about the Coronavirus (COVID-19). These answers are based on the current availability of testing and may change once easier access to testing becomes available.
Common Questions
Q. Should you be tested for the Coronavirus?
A. If you have no symptoms – No.
Q. What if you were in a crowded area and are now having respiratory symptoms?
A. Contact a local clinic and they will do an assessment once you arrive. If you have flu-like symptoms, a staff member can swab you and run a rapid flu test.
Q. If I was at a conference where others were diagnosed with Coronavirus, what should I do?
A. If asymptomatic – Nothing. If symptomatic – The person needs to have been exposed to a person who has been diagnosed with Coronavirus or has had recent international travel to China, Iran, Italy, Japan or South Korea. Only if you have fever and lower respiratory symptoms (such as a deep rattling cough and wheezing/shortness of breath) will medical providers continue with testing. General cold symptoms will not warrant testing at this time. If you fit the criteria we suggest contacting the Health Department.
Q. Will the Coronavirus come to my community? What if there have been undocumented cases?
A. Public testing will be available in the next few weeks, however, there may be specific rules that apply due to the shortage of testing supplies.
International Travel
We are encouraging students, faculty and staff to avoid traveling to countries designated with a CDC Warning-Level 3, which currently includes China, Iran, Italy and South Korea. We also recommend students and employees avoid non-essential travel to countries in Asia and Europe where the CDC has identified a sustained transmission of COVID-19 or where the virus has spread. As this is an evolving situation, current information on risk assessment of international travel can be found here.