Why Get into Computer Tech and Support as a Career?

Computer & Tech Support Career

It is hard to find any organization in the United States that does not use some time of computer technology. Even in talking to your friends and family members, they likely all have electronic technology.

According to a recent census report, nearly 90 percent of households have a personal computer in their homes. This means nearly 90 percent of these households have connectivity, routing, software and hardware issues to deal with each day involving their computer or laptop.

Organizations, whether corporate or individual, also use computer technology daily. Most of all offices, whether selling a service or a product, utilizes a computer system to help them complete sales, marketing, invoicing, planning and implementation, and more.

With so many computers in use today, and because computers and users falter, there is a great need for computer tech and support personnel.

Choosing a career in this field can has many advantages and below are just a few of the reasons you should get into the computer tech and support industry.


Opportunities for High Paying Jobs

According to reports, people working in the computer technology and support fields make an average of $25 an hour. This can mean some are making around $53,000 annually. Depending on the job, some will make more than that and some will make less.

This salary is excellent since you can possibly reach this level with an Associate Degree or less.

U.S. News Money reports this type of job is ranked #9 among all tech jobs. Their reports also show salaries are increasing and the median they offer is closer to $60,000.


More Options for Career Specialization

Computer tech and support is a broad field, allowing you to pick and choose specific areas in which you want to specialize. Some people choose to work with organizations and provide in-house services to employees.

Others choose to provide support to individuals, through consulting. Or, they choose to provide technical assistance to a company’s customers. Creating software programs, coding and building networks are other areas your skills can be used.

Career names in the tech field can vary so it is important to pay attention to the job description and not just the title. Look for titles such as Help Desk Technician, IT specialist, Network Technician, Network Specialist, Tech Support Specialist, and IT Consultant.


Continued Learning on the Job

The more you learn, the more valuable you are to an organization and to customers. Computer software and hardware is constantly upgrading to meet the demands of the industry. Whether you work for yourself or for an organization, it is key that you continue to gain education and stay updated on new programs.

Obtaining certifications is the best way you can prove you are qualified to handle modern technology.

If you choose a local college to receive your fast-track training or your degree, you will be able to receive certifications in areas such as Microsoft, CompTIA, and Cisco Certified Entry Technician. These will show employers you know hardware and software configuration, installation, maintenance, servers, and routers and other solutions.


Begin Working in the Field in Two Years or Less

Local colleges offer programs that can help you reach your goals of working in the computer tech and support industry much faster than if you were to attend a four-year college. They do this with Associate degree programs and fast-track training programs.

With an associate degree, you can seek employment with large corporations, such as government agencies or hospitals. You can also work for smaller organizations, become an entrepreneur, or work for any educational institution from elementary, secondary or higher education.

If you want to start working in the field quicker than two years, you may want to consider a fast-track training program at a local college, which you can complete in less than a year. This type of training involves online and lab work to give you the most knowledge in a short period.


Industry is Booming

The computer tech and support industry is expected to grow substantially in the next decade. Developments in the computer industry are advancing rapidly and there is always a need for someone who can adapt to these changes.

CNBC reports technology is the number one industry where jobs are thriving. They report the technology field is expected to grow by 120 percent by the year 2026. This would mean the technology field would grow faster and larger than any other industry.

This makes sense when it seems like almost daily there are reports of a new hardware or software program that is better than anything on the market. From apps to software to troubleshooting programs, developers are introducing major upgrades.

These upgrades and advancements mean employers are needed to implement them for companies large and small.


Job Security and Advancement

The computer technology and support industry are known for the benefit of giving employees a higher amount of job security. It is also known as a field with great opportunities for advancement.

As a computer technician, your services will be needed on a regular basis. Job security doesn’t mean you can do a poor job and maintain your job. It means that if you are doing your best work and providing a company with excellent support tech services, you are more likely to be retained by that employer.

By keeping up with your certifications and the upgrades that happen within the field, you are more likely to qualify for an advanced position within an organization. The more knowledge and experience you can show, the more you will stand out when interviewing for a higher-level position.

In conclusion, there are far more advantages to getting into a career in computer tech and support than disadvantages. If you have a desire to learn more about this industry and the many benefits it can offer, look at your local college.

You may be able to start your training right away, putting you one step closer to your dream of working in one of the fastest growing industries.