Computer and Network Support Training Teaches Applicable Skills for IT Jobs

Computer and Network Support for IT

Information Technology (IT) jobs can vary within the industry. Some IT jobs include installing and maintaining software systems, while others involve creating databases. One of the greatest things about obtaining a degree in IT is that you have so many jobs you can pursue once you graduate.

Because the field of IT is so broad, this means you will need to hold a broad range of skills. Employers will want you to be able to complete multiple tasks within their company. They want to get a lot of expertise for the money they are paying.

They do not want to hire two IT people when just one could do the job for both. Having the right IT skills can benefit you and your employer. The way to obtain these skills quickly is through a computer and network support training program.

Below are a few of the applicable skills that may help you get that IT job for which you have been seeking.


Microsoft Networking

Employers will want you to be able to install a network for a Windows server and any workstations that are connected to that server. This means you can set up the programs and monitor them to make sure they are running well and maintaining the server.

Skills in this area also mean when a problem arises, and it usually does, you will be able to troubleshoot the problem and figure out how to fix it without costing the company extra time or money.


Network Design and Administration

As a network designer and administrator, you will be weighing the needs of all the users within the system. You will be developing a program that has easy access for some but also strict security and privacy.

You will design a system that is prepared for both breakdowns and the unexpected, as well as room for growth when the company wants to expand.

Other things you may be asked to administer is the backing up of files, connectivity with wireless access points, ethernet cables and more. Having a disaster recovery plan will be essential to an employer who prefers to be prepared rather than taking risks.


Server Configuration

Every server is built using multiple technological components. Some of these include hardware, software, memory, hard disk, floppy drives, modems, CD-ROMs, monitors and even the windows operating systems.

It will be good for you to know how to compile and configure all these components in an order that will maximize benefits for the company.



You will be expected to know the difference between local area networks (LAN) and wide area networks (WAN) when working in the IT industry.

With LAN, your expertise will focus on systems that are more localized like schools, homes and businesses. WANs, on the other hand, cover wider areas like cities and can even allow overseas connections.

LANs, because they are typically confined to a small location, are often much more secure than WANs.



Keeping private information private and secure is a technical skill you will need in any job related to IT. Businesses want to prevent other businesses from stealing ideas and notes. Customers need to feel secure that their personal data cannot be stolen and will not be shared with anyone else.

Every system will need specific security programs installed, maintained and upgraded regularly. This will be your job as a specialist in the technology industry.


Network Applications

The staff within the company you work will need to transfer files or transfer data from one point to another. Applications help them do this. It will be up to you to establish the network applications your company uses.

Applications often use the internet but there are times when a hardware infrastructure will be needed. Your skills will be to distinguish between the two, install, maintain and repair these applications as needed.

Your main goal will be to make sure everyone in the company, no matter where they are located either locally or around the world, have access to the same applications on a shared server.

These are a few of the top skills you will need working in the technology field.


Where to Start

The best way to acquire these skills is through a computer and network support training program. These programs cover all up-to-date trends within the industry, as well as teaches you the basics.

There are great associate degree programs from your local college that can give you all the training relevant to the job you seek. And they can do so in just a couple of years.

Achieving this type of degree can prepare you for taking many certification exams that an employer may require. And if they don’t require a certification, this is something that could give you an edge over competitors.

For example, you can test for certification in network security, switches and routers, hardware and software and even client workstations. Any or all of these prove you learned the skills needed to be successful in your job.

So, whether your job is to work as a contractor, sales consultant, support staff or any other type of technician, the skills you can learn at your local college are invaluable.

These skills can be applied to jobs that are offered in school districts, hospitals, large corporations to small independent businesses. You may even choose to be an entrepreneur and provide homes and businesses your technical services.

Many local colleges offer fast-track training for those who do not wish to obtain an associate degree and want to enter the job market as soon as possible. Some also provide higher education classes for those who wish to continue past an associate level degree, such as in business. Business skills are especially needed for those IT professionals who wish to own their own company.

Because the technology industry is booming, and because almost every house and business today utilize some form of technology, the opportunities for obtaining employment are excellent, especially if you have training such as computer and network support.