SBBCollege Student Featured in National Magazine Article

Anna Henson, a student at SBBCollege’s Bakersfield campus, was recently highlighted in the national magazine, The Link, about how she balances school with her family life.

The Link, a quarterly magazine published by the Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities, dedicated an entire issue to women in career education. While these women attend college to better their circumstances, they also still manage their families and personal lives – becoming master multi-taskers.

Between studying and parenting her two young daughters, Anna balances it all. Her goal is to improve the quality of life for her family – both in the future with her new career opportunities and in the present, as Anna and her daughters share quality time over dinner and homework.

Anna feels that it’s very important to go back to school, especially for single mothers, and also knows the importance of being there for her daughters after school. “I know that it’s really important to have dinner with my kids. Setting the table and having dinner together does make a difference, my kids have a lot to say!”

Anna is a role model to other students and single mothers. With support from Santa Barbara Business College, she proves that balancing the two – school and family – is possible, and can be done!

Read about Anna’s story in the article, “The Balancing Game: Women Students Master Multi-tasking,” in its entirety here.

Thanks for sharing your story with us, Anna!

Click here for more information on SBBCollege’s career training and how to fit school into your life, or call 1-866-610-SBBC.