CareerBuilder names Accounting, Nursing, Info Tech, Paralegal and Medical Billing as Hottest Job Prospects

As 2013 settles in, many people will be looking for a new career in the new year. Whether they want to update their skills to advance in their current field or switch to a whole new career field, receiving a career-oriented associate’s degree can help them reach their career goals.

As quoted in CareerBuilder’s article “7 Valuable Associate Degrees,” the Census Bureau estimates associate’s degree graduates can earn $400,000 more than high school graduates over a lifetime, on average. Plus, associate’s degrees in accounting, nursing, information technology, paralegal studies and medical specialties are among the hottest job prospects found by CareerBuilder.

Santa Barbara Business College offers career-oriented associate’s degrees at itscollege campus locations in Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, Bakersfield, Ventura,Rancho Mirage and online. Students can graduate from the associate programs in under two years (approximately 22 months), and most include on-the-job training and real-world work experience.

With an associate’s degree in medical assisting, a business administration associate degree, an online associate degree in paralegal studies, a health information technology associate’s degree, and a network administration associate’s degree, SBBCollege has a program that may be right for you.

Source: MSN CareerBuilder. “7 Valuable Associate Degrees,”, Jan 10 2013.